Wednesday, January 19, 2011

an explanation of the title of my blog

I am a stalwart fan of the series Angel and that mythology. Yes, I just recently found out that the origins of this quote are biblical, which to many of my close friends will be highly amusing, but my use of the these 4 words is strictly from Angel. The meaning I take from these words is to give your all, your best, to face the challenge that is most important or means most to you. Not someone else battle or what you're told you should be fighting for. What you as an individual deem (either personal or outwardly) important to battle. Plus it just sounds bad ass!

For the purposes of this blog, the "fight" is my ongoing struggle with my weight, food consumption, and exercise. Frankly, as a woman who was not blessed with an extraordinary metabolism I've struggled most of my adult life with my weight. And a child of a home who did not encourage or educate me about physical activity, becoming involved in anything athletic has been alien and new territory. And food, well, let's just say, food and I both know how dysfunctional our relationship is and I don't need to go into details here.

So all that being said, I'm determined to find a way to fight this fight and come out on the other end with better understanding of how I can live my life eating better and being active. Staying off the "weight" roller coaster that it seems I've been on forever.

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